- тренажер для запоминания слов

The Ass

"терпеливый" - "patient"
"четвероногое животное" - "quadruped"
"хотя" - "although"
"упрямый" - "stubborn"
"действительно" - "really"
"активный" - "active"
"исполнительный" - "willing"
"обращаться" - "to treat"
"осел" - "donkey"
"обычно" - "generally"
"использовать" - "to use"
"хозяин" - "master"
"кожа" - "skin"
"ставить синяки" - "to bruise"
"удар" - "blow"
"бедный" - "poor"
"животное" - "beast"
"жалеть" - "to pity"
"выглядеть" - "to look"
"голодать" - "to starve"
"мясо" - "flesh"
"испытывать боль" - "to ache"
"кость" - "bone"
"тащить" - "to drag"
"медленный" - "slow"
"усталый" - "weary"
"шаг" - "step"
"тяжелый" - "heavy"
"груз" - "load"
"песок" - "sand"
"дрова" - "wood"
"молоко" - "milk"
"очень" - "greatly"
"высоко ценить" - "to esteem"
"болезнь" - "disease"
"питание" - "nourishment"
"безопасно" - "safely"
"осленок" - "foal"
"милый" - "pretty"
"парень" - "fellow"
"прыгать" - "to jump"
"непохожий" - "unlike"
"тихий" - "quiet"

The Ass.

Is the most patient of all quadrupeds, and, although thought by many to be the most stubborn, he is not really so, but is both active and willing if well treated. Donkeys are generally badly used by their masters, and you cannot go far without seeing one with his skin bruised by hard blows. Poor beasts! I hope you pity them when you see them looking half-starved, with no flesh on their aching bones, dragging with slow and weary steps some heavy load of sand or wood. The milk of Asses is greatly esteemed for the use of invalids: in some diseases it forms the only nourishment that can be safely given (при некоторых болезнях оно представляет собой единственную пищу, которую можно безопасно давать). The foal of the Ass is a pretty, lively little fellow, and jumps about, very unlike his quiet mother.