- тренажер для запоминания слов

Tearful. Ч.1

"слеза" - "tear"
"плакать" - "to cry"
"растворяться" - "to melt"
"возможный" - "possible"
"применение" - "use"
"надлежащий" - "proper"
"половина" - "half"
"предупреждение" - "warning"
"принимать во внимание" - "to heed"
"мудрость" - "wisdom"
"продолжать делать" - "to keep on"
"таким же образом" - "just the same"
"замечать" - "to notice"
"лягушка" - "frog"
"подпрыгивать" - "to hop"
"создавать" - "to form"
"пруд" - "pond"
"отвечать" - "to reply"
"удрать" - "to get away"
"противный" - "horrid"
"наконец" - "at last"
"усталый" - "tired"
"камень" - "stone"
"обочина" - "roadside"
"энергично" - "hard"
"быстро" - "fast"
"вскоре" - "by and by"
"плескаться" - "to splash"
"звук" - "sound"
"остров" - "island"
"ужасный" - "terrible"
"гримаса" - "grimace"
"довольный" - "satisfied"
"увы" - "alas"
"соленый" - "salt"
"наслаждаться" - "to enjoy"
"пресная вода" - "fresh water"
"счастливый" - "fortunate"
"парень" - "fellow"
"недостаток" - "fault"
"взволнованно" - "excitedly"
"наводнение" - "flood"
"подниматься" - "to rise"

Abbie Phillips Walker


Part 1

Once upon a time there was a little girl named Tearful, because she cried so often.

If she could not have her own way (по-своему), she cried; if she could not have everything for which she wished, she cried.

Her mother told her one day that she would melt away in tears if she cried so often. ‘You are like the boy who cried for the moon,’ she told her, ‘and if it had been given to him it would not have made him happy, for what possible use could the moon be to any one out of its proper place? (какое может быть возможное применение для луны в любом месте, отличном от её обычного места) And that is the way with you; half the things for which you cry would be of no use to you if you got them.’

Tearful did not take warning or heed her mother's words of wisdom, and kept on crying just the same.

One morning she was crying as she walked along to school, because she wanted to stay at home, when she noticed a frog hopping along beside her.

‘Why are you following me?’ she asked, looking at him through her tears.

‘Because you will soon form a pond around you with your tears,’ replied the frog, ‘and I have always wanted a pond all to myself.’

‘I shall not make any pond for you,’ said Tearful, ‘and I do not want you following me, either.’

The frog continued to hop along beside her, and Tearful stopped crying and began to run, but the frog hopped faster, and she could not get away from him, so she began to cry again.

‘Go away, you horrid green frog!’ she said.

At last she was so tired she sat on a stone by the roadside, crying all the time.

‘Now,’ replied the frog, ‘I shall soon have my pond.’

Tearful cried harder than ever, then; she could not see, her tears fell so fast, and by and by she heard a splashing sound. She opened her eyes and saw water all around her.

She was on a small island in the middle of the pond; the frog hopped out of the pond, making a terrible grimace as he sat down beside her.

‘I hope you are satisfied,’ said Tearful. ‘You have your pond; why don't you stay in it?’

‘Alas!’ replied the frog, ‘I have wished for something which I cannot use now that I have it. Your tears are salt and my pond which I have all by myself is so salt that I cannot enjoy it. If only your tears had been fresh I should have been a most fortunate fellow.’

‘You needn't stay if you do not like it,’ said Tearful, ‘and you needn't find fault with my tears, either,’ she said, beginning to cry again.

‘Stop! stop!’ cried the frog, hopping about excitedly; ‘you will have a flood if you keep on crying.’

Tearful saw the water rising around her, so she stopped a minute. ‘What shall I do?’ she asked. ‘I cannot swim, and I will die if I have to stay here,’ and then she began to cry again.