- тренажер для запоминания слов

The Shoemaker Rat. Часть 1

"крыса" - "rat"
"грызть" - "to gnaw"
"кладовая" - "pantry"
"смелый" - "bold"
"кухня" - "kitchen"
"кухарка" - "cook"
"гнаться" - "to chase"
"веник" - "broom"
"мочь" - "to be able"
"ударять" - "to hit"
"поднимать" - "to pick up"
"надевать" - "to put on"
"по дороге домой" - "on the way home"
"сапожник" - "shoemaker"
"собственный" - "own"
"продукт" - "product"
"щадить" - "to spare"
"отвечать" - "to reply"
"кожа" - "leather"
"шкура" - "hide"
"количество" - "amount"
"идея" - "idea"
"костюм" - "suit"
"перчатка" - "glove"
"объект зависти" - "envy"
"довольный" - "delighted"
"торопиться" - "to hurry"
"комплект одежды" - "outfit"

Abbie Phillips Walker

The Shoemaker Rat

Part 1

One day a rat gnawed his way into a pantry, and after he had eaten all he wanted he grew bold and went into the kitchen.

There the cook saw him and chased him with a broom, but, not being able to hit him as he ran out of the door, she picked up a pair of shoes that were standing near and threw them after him.

The rat picked them up and put them on. On his way home he met a cat. ‘What have you on your feet?’ he asked the rat.

‘Can you not see, my dear Tom?’ said the rat. ‘They are shoes. I am a shoemaker, and, of course, must wear my own product.’

‘Make me a pair,’ said the cat, ‘and I will spare your life.’

‘Very well,’ replied the rat, ‘but first you must bring me some leather.’

So the cat ran away and brought back two hides.

When the rat saw the amount of leather he was struck with an idea (его осенило). ‘My dear Tom,’ he said, ‘I can make you a suit of clothes and a pair of gloves as well as the shoes, and you will be the envy of all the other cats.’

Tom was delighted and told the rat to hurry and make the outfit.