- тренажер для запоминания слов

Пословицы. Ч.3

"птица" - "bird"
"перо" - "feather"
"держаться вместе" - "to flock"
"спрашивать" - "to ask"
"вопрос" - "question"
"ложь" - "lie"
"блестеть" - "to glitter"
"золото" - "gold"
"любопытство" - "curiosity"
"убивать" - "to kill"
"кошка" - "cat"
"легко" - "easy"
"исключение" - "exception"
"подтверждать" - "to prove"
"правило" - "rule"
"друг" - "friend"
"нужда" - "need"
"в самом деле" - "indeed"
"новости" - "news"
"рисковать" - "to venture"
"выиграть" - "to gain"

Birds of a feather flock together.


Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.


All that glitters is not gold.


Curiosity killed the cat.


Easy come, easy go.


The exception proves the rule.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.


No news is good news.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained.