- тренажер для запоминания слов

Sinead O'Connor - Lullaby for Cain

"тишина" - "silence"
"дальний" - "distant"
"колыбельная песня" - "lullaby"
"помнить" - "to remember"
"плач" - "cry"
"возлюбленный" - "beloved"
"рядом" - "close"
"невинный" - "innocent"
"красть" - "to steal"
"убивать" - "to murder"
"душевное спокойствие" - "peace of mind"
"кошмар" - "nightmare"
"подушка" - "pillow"
"душа" - "soul"
"сдаваться" - "to surrender"
"сердце" - "heart"
"бросать" - "to cast"
"рассвет" - "dawn"
"клеймить" - "to brand"
"метка" - "mark"
"стыд" - "shame"
"дикая местность" - "wilderness"

Sinead O'Connor - Lullaby for Cain

From the silence, from the night

Comes a distant lullaby,

Cry, remember that first cry,

Your brother's standing by

And lot of loved

Beloved sons of mine

Sing a lullaby,

Mother is close by,

Innocent days,

Such innocent eyes

And he stole your brother's life,

Came home murdered, peace of mind,

Left you nightmares on the pillow,

Sleep now

Soul, surrendering your soul,

The heart in you not whole

For love, but love walked on,

Cast into the dawn,

Branded with the mark,

Oh, shame of Cain

From a garden of those light

To a wilderness of night,

Sleep now

Sleep now