- тренажер для запоминания слов

Good and Bad Children

"кость" - "bone"
"хрупкий" - "brittle"
"величественный" - "stately"
"невинный" - "innocent"
"степенно" - "sedately"
"стараться" - "to try"
"сметливый" - "bright"
"тихий" - "quiet"
"довольный" - "content"
"питание" - "diet"
"оставаться" - "to remain"
"ставить в тупик" - "to bewilder"
"честный" - "honest"
"травяной" - "grassy"
"древний" - "ancient"
"король" - "king"
"мудрец" - "sage"
"злой" - "unkind"
"непослушный" - "unruly"
"есть" - "to eat"
"чрезмерно" - "unduly"
"известность" - "glory"
"непохожий" - "different"
"жестокий" - "cruel"
"плакать" - "to cry"
"взрослеть" - "to grow up"
"дурень" - "goose"
"простофиля" - "gaby"
"ненавидеть" - "to hate"
"увеличиваться" - "to increase"
"племянник" - "nephew"
"племянница" - "niece"

R.L. Stevenson


Children, you are very little,
And your bones are very brittle;
If you would grow great and stately,
You must try to walk sedately.

You must still be bright and quiet,
And content with simple diet;
And remain, through all bewildering,
Innocent and honest children.

Happy hearts and happy faces,
Happy play in grassy places--
That was how in ancient ages,
Children grew to kings and sages.

But the unkind and the unruly,
And the sort who eat unduly,
They must never hope for glory--
Theirs is quite a different story!

Cruel children, crying babies,
All grow up as geese and gabies,
Hated, as their age increases,
By their nephews and their nieces.