- тренажер для запоминания слов

Louis Ginsberg - April

"апрель" - "April"
"тело" - "body"
"помнить" - "to remember"
"тоска" - "wistfulness"
"сук" - "bough"
"сумерки" - "dusk"
"мокрый" - "wet"
"испуганный" - "haunted"
"тропинка" - "lane"
"далекий" - "far-off"
"сверчок" - "cricket"
"напевать вполголоса" - "to croon"
"красивый" - "beautiful"
"вымытый" - "washed"
"дождь" - "rain"
"мягкий" - "mellow"
"округлый" - "rounded"
"луна" - "moon"
"под" - "underneath"
"колыхаться" - "to wave"
"трава" - "grass"
"роса" - "dew"
"происходить" - "to pass"
"прах" - "dust"

Louis Ginsberg


EVEN when all my body sleeps,

I shall remember yet

The wistfulness that April keeps,

When boughs at dusk are wet.


The haunted twilight on the lane;

The far-off cricket’s croon;

And beautiful and washed by rain,

The mellow rounded moon!


So, underneath the waving grass,

And underneath the dew,

April, whenever you will pass,

My dust will dream of you!