- тренажер для запоминания слов

Великан и карлик

"карлик" - "dwarf"
"однажды" - "one day"
"встречать" - "to meet"
"великан" - "giant"
"позволять" - "to let"
"грабитель" - "robber"
"бить" - "to beat"
"дубинка" - "club"
"наконец" - "at last"
"плакать" - "to cry"
"маленький" - "little"
"сильный" - "strong"
"битва" - "battle"
"безосновательно считать себя" - "to set up"
"равный" - "equal"
"люди" - "people"
"большой" - "great"
"мудрый" - "wise"

The Giant And The Dwarf

A Dwarf one day met a Giant. ‘Let me come with you,’ said he.

‘Very well,’ said the Giant.

When they met robbers, the Giant beat them with his club; but the Dwarf got beaten. At last he began to cry; but the Giant said, ‘My little man, if you are not strong you must not go out to battle with a Giant.’

We must not set ourselves up as equal to people who are greater and wiser than we.