- тренажер для запоминания слов

A Get-rich-quick Scheme

"богатый" - "rich"
"быстрый" - "quick"
"схема" - "scheme"
"полк" - "regiment"
"окоп" - "trench"
"впервые" - "for the first time"
"командир" - "captain"
"обещать" - "to promise"
"убивать" - "to kill"
"отдыхать" - "to rest"
"выполнять" - "to perform"
"служебные обязанности" - "duty"
"наблюдать" - "to watch"
"долго" - "long"
"будить" - "to awaken"
"кричать" - "to shout"
"отвечать" - "to reply"
"прыгать" - "to jump"
"схватывать" - "to grab"
"винтовка" - "rifle"
"разбогатеть" - "to make a fortune"

A Get-rich-quick Scheme

Two young Irishmen (ирландец) in a Canadian regiment were going into the trenches for the first time, and their captain promised them five shillings each for every German they killed.

Pat lay down to rest, while Mick performed the duty of watching. Pat had not lain long when he was awakened by Mick shouting:

‘They’re coming! They’re coming!’

‘Who’s coming?’ shouts Pat.

‘The Germans,’ replies Mick.

‘How many are there?’

‘About fifty thousand.’

‘Begorra,’ (ирландский, ей-богу!) shouts Pat, jumping up and grabbing his rifle, ‘our fortune’s made!’