- тренажер для запоминания слов


"туман" - "fog"
"потерявшийся" - "lost"
"густой" - "thick"
"едва" - "hardly"
"серьезно" - "seriously"
"обеспокоенный" - "alarmed"
"слизистый" - "slimy"
"аллея" - "alley"
"шаг" - "footstep"
"приближаться" - "to approach"
"мрак" - "obscurity"
"вздыхать" - "to sigh"
"облегчение" - "relief"
"тревожно" - "anxiously"
"голос" - "voice"
"отвечать" - "to reply"
"странный" - "weird"
"далеко" - "beyond"
"река" - "river"


The old gentleman was lost in a London fog, so thick that he could hardly see his hand before his face. He became seriously alarmed when he found himself in a slimy alley. Then he heard footsteps approaching through the obscurity, and sighed with relief.

‘Where am I going to?’ he cried anxiously.

A voice replied weirdly from the darkness beyond:

‘Into the river - I've just come out!’