- тренажер для запоминания слов


"палец на руке" - "finger"
"палец на ноге" - "toe"
"земля" - "land"
"ноготь" - "nail"
"каждый" - "each"
"рука" - "hand"
"ступня" - "foot"
"верный" - "true"
"обман" - "deceit"
"маленький" - "little"
"свинья" - "pig"
"идти" - "to go"
"рынок" - "market"
"оставаться" - "to stay"
"говядина" - "beef"
"сказать" - "to say"
"находить" - "to find"
"путь" - "way"

Fingers and toes

Every lady in this land
Has twenty nails, upon each hand
Five, and twenty on hands and feet:
All this is true, without deceit.



Five toes

This little pig went to market;
This little pig stayed at home;
This little pig had roast beef;
This little pig had none;
This little pig said, ‘Wee, wee!
I can’t find my way home.’