- тренажер для запоминания слов

Alfred Castner King - Dreams

"призрак" - "ghost"
"удовольствие" - "delight"
"эхо" - "echo"
"доносить" - "to waft"
"исчезать" - "to vanish"
"гибнуть" - "to perish"
"восстанавливать" - "to restore"
"мистический" - "mystical"
"кругозор" - "ken"
"обожать" - "to adore"
"прежде чем" - "ere"
"постепенно затихать" - "to fade"
"хоронить" - "to bury"
"выкапывать из земли" - "to exhume"
"радужный" - "iridescent"
"насмехаться" - "to mock"
"судьба" - "fate"
"катакомба" - "catacomb"
"безмолвный" - "mute"
"отчаяние" - "despair"
"отраженный" - "reflex"
"смешивание" - "blending"
"истинная правда" - "solemn truth"
"размышление о прошлом" - "retrospection"
"мирской" - "mundane"
"борьба" - "strife"
"стремление" - "ambition"
"возвышенный" - "lofty"
"достигать" - "to achieve"
"закончиться" - "to expire"
"надоедливый" - "dull"
"существование" - "existence"
"плестись" - "to plod"
"слабый" - "feeble"
"луч" - "ray"
"трещина" - "rift"
"идти ощупью" - "to grope"
"доказательство" - "evidence"
"погасить" - "to extinguish"

Alfred Castner King



A dream is the ghost of a fond delight,

An echo of former smiles or tears,

Wafted to us on the wings of night

From the silent bourne of the vanished years.

A dream is a perished joy, restored

From the mystical regions beyond our ken,

Which we fain would press as a thing adored,

To our breasts, ere it fades and is lost again.

A dream is a buried hope exhumed,

'Tis an iridescent thing of air,

Which mocks at the spirit, by fate entombed

In the catacombs of a mute despair.

A dream is a reflex view of life,

A blending of fancy with solemn truth,

A retrospection of mundane strife,

Old age re-living the scenes of youth.

Our dreams are but mirrors for our desires;

The proud ambition, the lofty aim

Achieved in our sleep, but the night expires

And the dull existence plods on the same.

A dream is a feeble ray of light,

A rift in the shadows through which we grope,

An evidence that eternal night

Can never extinguish the star of hope.


Bourne [bɔːn] – (уст.) – граница, предел, рубеж

Fain [feɪn] – (уст.) охотно, с удовольствием, с готовностью