- тренажер для запоминания слов


"диета" - "diet"
"пища" - "food"
"человек с пунктиком" - "faddist"
"гостить" - "to be on a visit"
"побережье" - "coast"
"рыба" - "fish"
"деревня" - "village"
"спрашивать" - "to question"
"хозяин" - "host"
"обычный" - "general"
"коренной житель" - "native"
"жить" - "to subsist"
"почти" - "almost"
"полностью" - "entirely"
"протестовать" - "to protest"
"мозг" - "brain"
"люди" - "folk"
"глупый" - "unintelligent"
"выглядеть как" - "to look like"
"соглашаться" - "to agree"


The young lady, who was something of a food faddist, was on a visit to a coast fishing village. She questioned her host as to the general diet of the natives, and was told that they subsisted almost entirely on fish. The girl protested:

‘But fish is a brain food, and these folks are really the most unintelligent-looking that I ever saw.’

‘Maybe so,’ the host agreed. ‘And just think what they'd look like if they didn't eat fish!’