- тренажер для запоминания слов


"ботинок" - "shoe"
"поднимать" - "to pick up"
"палка" - "stick"
"положить" - "to lay"
"прямо" - "straight"
"толстый" - "fat"
"курица" - "hen"
"печь" - "to bake"
"девушка" - "maid"
"привлекать" - "to court"
"целовать" - "to kiss"
"ждать" - "to wait"
"желудок" - "stomach"
"пустой" - "empty"
"озеро" - "lake"
"гремучая змея" - "rattlesnake"
"желе" - "jelly"
"боль" - "ache"
"яблоко" - "apple"
"падать" - "to fall"
"пудинг" - "pudding"
"пирог" - "pie"
"ложь" - "lie"
"середина" - "middle"
"глубокий" - "deep"
"море" - "sea"
"гусь" - "goose"
"штука" - "piece"
"дорогой" - "dear"


One, two, buckle my shoe,

Three, four, open the door,

Five, six, pick up the sticks,

Seven, eight, lay them straight,

Nine, ten, a good fat hen,

Eleven, twel', bake it well,

Thirteen, fourteen, maids a-courting,

Fifteen, sixteen, maids a-kissing,

Seventeen, eighteen, maids a-waiting,

Nineteen, twenty, my stomach's empty.



As I was walking down the lake,

I met a little rattlesnake.

I gave him so much jelly-cake,

It made his little belly ache.

One, two, three, out goes she!



As I went up the apple tree,

All the apples fell on me;

Bake a puddin', bake a pie,

Did you ever tell a lie?

Yes I did, and many times.

O-U-T, out goes she

Right in the middle of the deep blue sea. 



John says to John,

How much are your geese?

John says to John,

Twenty cents a piece.

John says to John,

That's too dear;

John says to John,

Get out of here!