- тренажер для запоминания слов

In the class-room

"профессор" - "professor"
"студент" - "student"
"эффект" - "effect"
"теплота" - "heat"
"холод" - "cold"
"расширять" - "to expand"
"сжимать" - "to contract"
"правильный" - "correct"
"приводить пример" - "to give an illustration"
"лето" - "summer"
"жаркий" - "hot"
"длинный" - "long"
"зима" - "winter"
"короткий" - "short"
"сторона" - "side"
"круг" - "circle"
"внутренний" - "inside"
"наружный" - "outside"
"причина" - "cause"
"толкать" - "to push"
"тачка" - "wheelbarrow"
"это подойдет" - "that will do"

In the class-room

Said the professor to a student, ‘What is the effect of heat, and what the effect of cold?’ ‘Heat expands, sir, and cold contracts.’

‘Correct. Give some illustrations.’ ‘Well,’ said the boy, ‘in the summer, when it is hot, the days are long; and in the winter, when it is cold, the days are short.’

‘How many sides has a circle?’ ‘Two - the inside and the outside.’

‘Does an effect ever go before a cause?’ ‘Yes, sir.’

‘Give an illustration.’ ‘When a man pushes a wheelbarrow’

‘That will do, sir. Next - Mr. Johnson.’