- тренажер для запоминания слов

J. K. Bangs - The Little Elf

"встречать" - "to meet"
"маленький" - "little"
"эльф" - "elf"
"однажды" - "once"
"внизу" - "down"
"лилия" - "lily"
"цвести" - "to blow"
"спрашивать" - "to ask"
"расти" - "to grow"
"слегка" - "slightly"
"хмурить брови" - "to frown"
"глаз" - "eye"
"смотреть мимо" - "to look through"
"насквозь" - "through and through"
"вполне" - "quite"
"большой" - "big"
"сказать" - "to say"

John Kendrick Bangs

The Little Elf

I MET a little Elf-man, once,

Down where the lilies blow.

I asked him why he was so small

And why he didn’t grow.

He slightly frowned, and with his eye

He looked me through and through.

‘I ’m quite as big for me,’ said he,

‘As you are big for you.’