- тренажер для запоминания слов


"алфавит" - "alphabet"
"зерно" - "corn"
"скирда" - "stack"
"осел" - "donkey"
"крест" - "cross"
"паровоз" - "engine"
"оживлять" - "to light"
"кокс" - "coke"
"дымовая труба" - "funnel"
"дымить" - "to puff out"
"дым" - "smoke"
"гусь" - "goose"
"пруд" - "pond"
"сосулька" - "icicle"
"ледяной" - "frosty"
"галка" - "jackdaw"
"бойкий" - "perky"
"наглый" - "bold"
"хвост" - "tail"
"любящий" - "fond"
"курица" - "hen"
"обезьяна" - "monkey"
"смешной" - "comical"
"создание" - "thing"
"орех" - "nut"
"колоть" - "to crack"
"оскал зубов" - "grin"
"сова" - "owl"
"пони" - "pony"
"королева" - "queen"
"сидящий" - "seated"
"важно" - "in state"
"полк" - "regiment"
"охранять" - "to guard"
"ворота" - "gate"
"садиться о солнце" - "to set"
"синица" - "tomtit"
"гнездо" - "nest"
"зонт" - "umbrella"
"товарный вагон" - "van"
"следовать" - "to follow"
"поезд" - "train"
"повозка" - "waggon"
"тис" - "yew"
"расти" - "to grow"
"церковь" - "church"



A for the Alphabet, A, B, C;

B for the Book that was given to me.


C for the Corn that stands in the stack;

D for the Donkey with cross on his back.


E for the Engine that's lighted with coke;

F for the Funnel that puffs out the smoke.


G for the Goose that swims on the pond;

H for the Hen, of her chickens so fond.


I for the Icicle, frosty and cold;

J for the Jackdaw, perky and bold.


K for the Kitten that plays with its tail;

L for the Letter that comes by the mail.


M for the Monkey, a comical thing;

N for the Nut that he cracks with a grin.


O for the Owl that sees in the dark;

P for the Pony that plays in the park.


Q for the Queen all seated in state;

R for the Regiment guarding the gate.


S for the Sun that sets in the west;

T for the Tomtit building its nest.


U for the Umbrella that keeps off the rain;

V for the Van that follows the train.


W for the Wagon that waits in the way;

X is for none of the words I can say.


Y for the Yew growing by the church wall;

Z is for Zero, that a nothing at all.