- тренажер для запоминания слов

A clincher

"решающий довод" - "clincher"
"ощутимый" - "palpable"
"арестовывать" - "to arrest"
"обвинять" - "to charge"
"спиртной напиток" - "liquor"
"нарушение" - "violation"
"закон" - "law"
"несокрушимый" - "impregnable"
"защита" - "defence"
"адвокат" - "counsel"
"обращаться" - "to address"
"присяжные" - "jury"
"пауза" - "pause"
"честно" - "honestly"
"виски" - "whiskey"
"вердикт" - "verdict"
"виновный" - "guilty"


Pat O'Flaherty, very palpably not a prohibitionist (очевидный противник (не сторонник) запрещения продажи спиртных напитков), was arrested in Arizona recently, charged with selling liquor in violation of the Prohibition law. But Pat had an impregnable defense. His counsel, in addressing the jury, said:

‘Your Honor (Ваша Честь), gentlemen of the jury, look at the defendant.’

A dramatic pause, then:

‘Now, gentlemen of the jury, do you honestly think that if the defendant had a quart of whiskey he would sell it?’

The verdict, reached in one minute, was ‘Not guilty.’