- тренажер для запоминания слов

Саки. Место для вола. Ч.6

"подозрение" - "suspicion"
"рубить" - "to chop"
"определенный" - "appointed"
"коровник" - "byre"
"предосторожность" - "precaution"
"пристально глядеть" - "to stare"
"серьезный" - "grave"
"навязчивый" - "obtrusive"
"тяжело ступать" - "to lumber"
"событие" - "episode"
"замечательный" - "remarkable"
"впоследствии" - "subsequently"
"наперекор" - "in the teeth of"
"предложение цены" - "bidding"
"гарантированный" - "assured"
"бросающийся в глаза" - "conspicuous"
"сущность" - "nature"
"примирение" - "reconciliation"


The Stalled Ox

Part 6

Some minutes later the ox, awakening probably to the suspicion that oil cake (жмых) and chopped mangold (кормовая свекла) were waiting for it in some appointed byre, stepped with much precaution out of the morning-room, stared with grave inquiry at the no longer obtrusive and pea-stick-throwing human, and then lumbered heavily but swiftly out of the garden.  Eshley packed up his tools and followed the animal’s example and ‘Larkdene’ (название виллы) was left to neuralgia and the cook.

The episode was the turning-point (поворотный пункт) in Eshley’s artistic career.  His remarkable picture, ‘Ox in a morning-room, late autumn,’ was one of the sensations and successes of the next Paris Salon, and when it was subsequently exhibited at Munich it was bought by the Bavarian Government, in the teeth of the spirited bidding of three meat-extract firms (мясоперерабатывающие компании).  From that moment his success was continuous and assured, and the Royal Academy was thankful, two years later, to give a conspicuous position on its walls to his large canvas ‘Barbary Apes Wrecking a Boudoir.’ (Варварийские обезьяны, разрушающие будуар)

Eshley presented Adela Pingsford with a new copy of ‘Israel Kalisch,’ and a couple of finely flowering plants of Madame Adnré Blusset, but nothing in the nature of a real reconciliation has taken place between them.