- тренажер для запоминания слов

Eugene Oneguine

"великодушие" - "goodness"
"исключительный" - "extreme"
"болезнь" - "disease"
"серьезно" - "seriously"
"приобретать" - "to acquire"
"почтение" - "esteem"
"образец" - "paragon"
"добродетель" - "virtue"
"досада" - "nuisance"
"приковывать" - "to chain"
"место у кровати" - "bedside"
"притворство" - "dissimulation"
"основа" - "base"
"искусство" - "art"
"утешать" - "to soothe"
"разглаживать" - "to smooth"
"унылый" - "mournful"
"вздыхать" - "to sigh"
"обдумывать" - "to meditate"
"дьявол" - "devil"

Aleksandr Sergeevich Pushkin

Eugene Oneguine

Canto the First


My uncle's goodness is extreme,
If seriously he hath disease;
He hath acquired the world's esteem
And nothing more important sees;
A paragon of virtue he!
But what a nuisance it will be,
Chained to his bedside night and day
Without a chance to slip away.
Ye need dissimulation base
A dying man with art to soothe,
Beneath his head the pillow smooth,
And physic bring with mournful face,
To sigh and meditate alone:
When will the devil take his own!


physic ['fɪzɪk] – (уст.) лекарство